Wednesday, February 15, 2012

God sightings

It's your turn to share!

How have you seen God working lately?

Share here, on Facebook, and/or Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. I'm from Minnesota and I love snow. We finally have some that has stayed around for more than a day. As it fell on Friday night, it was that kind that sparkled like diamonds on the ground. It was so beautiful! It's also been fun to watch the neighbor kids play and giggle and have all kinds of snowy adventures!

    On Friday, I visited with residents at the local retirement community. It is amazing to hear their stories and think about the incredible ways God works through a variety of gifts and a variety of people in the world.

    Over the weekend, I preached and led worship at a congregation nearby while the pastor was on vacation. It was a delight to hear stories about the ways God is working through them--especially watching the confirmation students plan and organize events to benefit ELCA World Hunger. They are passionate and excited and sharing their excitement with the whole congregation.
