Tuesday, November 1, 2011

All Saints Day

Today is All Saints Day.  We remember the Saints who have died.  We also remember that God names and claims all of us as Saints.  And sinners.  It's one of the things I love best about being Lutheran.

My All Saints Day story:
My grandfather died in April.  His dying was a holy process, during which I learned a lot about his faith and my own.  I learned a lot about trusting in God's promise of abundant life.  I miss him.  A lot.

So this morning, I was sitting drinking my coffee, with the song "For All the Saints" running through my head. (I'm a Lutheran pastor, please forgive me for being a nerd and thinking about hymns while I drink my coffee).  I was thinking about the last year and the people who have died.  I was thinking about my grandpa.  Giving thanks for the many ways he has blessed me.  Thinking about how I miss him.  As I was sitting, pondering, the sun popped up from behind the roof of the house across the street.  It burst into my living room and made me squint as I sat at the table.  It was a beautiful moment--a reminder of new beginnings.  A reminder of the fact that the sun keeps coming up, even in the midst of the darkness of our grief and sadness.  A reminder of God's promises of new life.  Every day.

Who do you remember on this All Saints Day?

1 comment:

  1. Oh I shouldn't have scrolled down....missed this post earlier, and now the tears are coming.
    This day gets me every year. I have lost a lot of people that matter to me and my mom always made a special effort of recognizing all of them on this day growing up. As the list grows and we (even though I am not at my "home" church anymore I can still hear them reading all the names) hear all those names read out loud it is just so sad.
    Recently I was robed and something very special of my grandmother's was taken from me. It was a silly thing really but it meant the world to me and I carried it with me everyday. Now it is gone and cannot be replaced. This year I am thinking about my grandma. Hoping that even without my daily reminder of her I can keep her with me always.
    And don't worry, every time I walk past that poster at church I start singing that same hymn!
