This is a copy of the information provided at today's annual meeting. If you have questions about or suggestions for the Wild Word Project, please contact me!
The Wild Word Project
Martin Luther used cutting edge technology to help get God’s Word into the hands of the people. The cutting edge technology of the 16th century? The printing press. So, if that’s a part of our history, how are we called to utilize the cutting edge technology of today--blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.--to continue to build God’s Kingdom?
Our goal is to enhance opportunities that are already being offered “offline” at Peace by providing a means for interaction that happens online. No matter where they are or what time of day, members, visitors, and people who are trying to figure out just how God might be working in their lives, can experience Christ in the following ways:
-Pastor Kirsten continues to write and post at The blog provides an avenue for conversation beyond Sunday morning. Guest bloggers will occasionally be featured and there are opportunities for readers to comment and share. The blog is based on the stories of how we see God working in everyday life.
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Peace Lutheran Church |
-Our Fan Page is “Peace Lutheran Church.” The Facebook page provides an additional space for making announcements, providing information, and space for online interaction.
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@peaceinwauankee |
-Follow us on Twitter @peaceinwaunakee. This is a great way to share information and announcements and faith statements in 140 words or less.
-The Peace Weekly Reader provides a weekly e-mail with announcements about what’s happening this week at Peace, upcoming events, and worship for this weekend. The introduction is a quote, video, or image that relates to faith in daily life. To sign up, contact Pastor Kirsten at A link will also be provided on the new website under “What’s Happening” and “Wild Word Project”
-We are working to redevelop to make it an interactive site that provides timely information, as well as opportunities for faith growth and nourishment. A more detailed explanation can be found below.
This new ministry of Peace is an exciting opportunity for us to continue to be molded and shaped by the Holy Spirit blowing in, around, and through us. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact Pastor Karen or Pastor Kirsten.
Wild Word Project Goals
Goals: To provide a resource for spiritual growth and nourishment
-To be a ministry outreach for those exploring their relationship with God
-To provide timely information to members of the congregation
-To provide a welcoming and hospitable “front door” to visitors
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Handout from Annual Meeting |
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A mockup of the new website (sorry it's so small--it takes over the page if it's any bigger!) |
Website Redesign
Four Corners
The new website will be a place where members, visitors, and those seeking spiritual nourishment can visit. The four corners will be “interactive,” providing timely, frequently updated opportunities for a little bit of “faith-based programming” in the midst of daily life.
Two Minute Bible Study
The pastors will provide a concise introduction to one of the texts for the weekend. The video will be linked to YouTube and accessible via the Peace website and Peace Lutheran Church YouTube Channel. This will provide anyone the opportunity to hear the good news, no matter where they are in the world or what time of day they visit.
Song of the Week
We are working to secure permission from a number of Lutheran musicians to share their music on the website. The goal is to have a song of the week on the website, with information about how to purchase from the musicians if you like it. The music will be eclectic and based on solid Lutheran theology. We hope that ,over time, there will be some kind of music that everyone likes! This not only provides a source for listening to great music, it gives us an opportunity to support wonderful Lutheran musicians.
Book e-study
Want to join a book group or Bible study, but can’t possibly find time in your busy schedule to do it? The website will provide an opportunity for an e-study, where people can contribute to conversation on their own time from where ever they are. We’ll be starting with Book of God: The Bible as Novel by Walt Wangerin. We’ll read a chapter a week, engaging in conversation via web resources. The book will be available for purchase in hardcopy or Kindle edition via Peace’s Amazon Associates page. More information will be coming soon about that!
Ministry of the Month
Each month, a different ministry of Peace will be featured. Visitors will be able to click on the link to see a video with images, music, and interviews sharing the good news about what is happening in all of the ministry areas we have here at Peace.
Peace Ministries
The remaining squares will provide information about ministry opportunities and what is happening at Peace. Photos will be updated regularly and information will be kept up to date related to what is happening pertaining to each ministry. Each page will include a welcome from the contact person, as well as contact information, and information pertaining to each ministry area (detailed below).
-Parish nursing services
-Care Team Ministries
-Share the Care Teams
-Camp FUN
-Senior Lunch Bunch
-Worship information (how we worship, when, what to wear, etc)
-Sermon archive (including a video archive)
-Sermon podcasts
-Goals and philosophy
-Core values
-Parent involvement
-Peace Lutheran Church Preschool Board
-Preschool staff
-Song of the week/month for kids
-Sunday School
-Route 56
-Route 78
-Destination Affirmation
-High School Youth Group
-One time opportunities
-Joyful Noise
-Fellowship events
-Matthew 25 Ministry
-Food for Kidz
-Shared Ministry opportunities
-One time outreach events
Wild Word Project
-Link to
-Book e-study
-Explanation of mission and philosophy of the e-ministry of Peace
-Electronic resources for faith growth and nourishment
-Peace Weekly Reader sign-up
-Senior Choir
-Joyful Noise
-Chapel Chimes
-Radical Ringers
-Senior Lunch Bunch
-Fellowship events
-Hidden Talent Night
-Not So Serious Golf League
-One time study/spiritual growth opportunities
-Week at Peace
-Camp FUN
-Summer Music Camp
-Middle School Mission/Adventure Trip
-High School Mission/Adventure Trip
-College Mission/Adventure Trip
-Lutherans Outdoors
-Other summer opportunities for spiritual nourishment for people of all ages
-Overview of previous summer (September-January)
What’s Happening
-Weekly Reader
-Weekly Reader Archive
-Bits and Peaces
Who We Are
-History of Peace
-How to find us
-Contact information
-Staff bios
-Leadership contact information and bios
-Information related to the ELCA
Support Peace Now
-Stewardship information
-Simply Giving
-Text to give*
-QR scan to give*
*Technologies under development in cooperation with the synod. They won’t be up for awhile, but it is our hope that these will all be ways to support Peace financially in the not-so-distant future!
This is an exciting time for Peace as we continue to explore what it means to do ministry both "offline" and "online". Thanks for your support of PLC and all of our ministries!
Experience Christ. Explore Peace.
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